East Coast Trip – Quebec

This summer, I went on my very first REAL road trip with friends – to Eastern Canada!! The last time I visited The Maritimes was probably back around third grade with my parents. I cannot remember anything about it – except for my parents giggling to themselves secretly about a rock at Hopewell Rocks that looked a bit inappropriate. Their defense when I brought it up to them recently, was that the tour guide pointed it out to them first. Embarking on this journey with me were Alicia, Crystal, James, Steve and Thomas. You’ll catch glimpses of them in the blog posts and photos to come 🙂

Our one week trip was meticulously planned out and jam packed with various activities (mostly hikes and must-go-to restaurants); going from Toronto –> Montreal/Quebec City –> New Brunswick –> PEI –> Nova Scotia Continue reading “East Coast Trip – Quebec”

ATV Adventures

Didn’t get the chance to dune bash in an actual ATV in Dubai, so I sufficed for the next best thing – ATV at home, right here in Ontario. For a 1 hour private tour with ATV Adventure Tours it is regularly $138/person excluding tax , but with the coupon (which I got from Appreciation Events through work)  total per person was $82 after tax. Not bad for the novelty and just about 1.5-2 hours drive to Collingwood from Toronto. Continue reading “ATV Adventures”

Dundas Peak

The only purposely planned hiking excursion that I went to this year locally was to Dundas Peak (while alongside visitng Mac the alma mater). Not quite sure what I was so busy with all summer and fall because I normally love planning excursions!


Even though I semi-lived in Hamilton for a good 4 years during my studies at McMaster, I always went home on the weekends as much as I could, and barely went around town…let alone go hiking. It was my first time at Dundas Peak and I had only seen of it in pictures on social media.  Little did I know the hike to the peak was so short ._. Continue reading “Dundas Peak”